Tracking Your Strategy
Viewing and Tracking your trades

Viewing and Tracking your trades

The Orders and Positions section of Optionlogy forms the heart of our trade management cycle.

Till this point, we have analyzed, built, and traded an option strategy. That is where most platforms will bid you goodbye. But how do you track your PnL? You may be able to track realized and unrealised PnL of your positions with your broker, but when you’re trading multiple strategies, how do you remember which position was under which strategy? (Also read: How is Optionlogy's order tracking different from my Broker’s order tracking?)

Let’s see the key difference between your Broker’s order tracking and Optionlogy’s order tracking. We’ll take the case of a broken wing call butterfly and a bull call spread.

Strategy Wise Tracking

We’ve executed a broken wing call butterfly and one bull call spread.

Here’s how the broker shows us these positions -

Broker Order Book

Now here’s how Optionlogy’s Order Book show you the same positions -

Optionlogy Order Book

Did you also notice that there are a total of 5 positions of Nifty in Optionlogy’s order book, but only 2 positions of Nifty in the broker’s order book.

Our order book shows you trades and positions that you have created in different strategies separately. What this means in the above scenario:

  1. Your trades of 18600 CE BUY (in the butterfly strategy) and 18600 CE SELL (in the bull call spread) don't cancel each other out as they do at your broker’s end. You can track these trades separately as a part of the two strategies.
  2. Your 2 separate trades of 18500 CE BUY don’t get clubbed into 1 net position of 100 quantity (as in the broker’s order book). They can be tracked, exited, increased decreased, and repaired separately as a part of different strategies without affecting one another.
  3. Your separate trade of 18550 CE SELL is properly categorized to be a part of the butterfly strategy

What this means is, you can focus on strategies and the trades inside a strategy, and manage exits, entries, and alterations/repairs of your strategies and not your entire account.

This is akin to how your bank shows you total transactions and your entire account’s closing, and opening balance, whereas accounting software(like tally, zoho, etc.) can show you how the money moved, bifurcated into different heads, which spending was under what category, and lets you manage your spending habits in different categories like travel, eating out, etc separately.

Once you trade any strategy on Optionlogy, it goes to this order book automatically. Here its live PnL gets tracked automatically, and you are able to see all important details about your strategy. Let’s see how you can view your positions:

How to Track your Orders

Simply login to (opens in a new tab) or sign up if you haven’t created an account; and go to All Tools > Orders and Positions (opens in a new tab).

Optionlogy Order Book

Here you can see 2 tabs - one for Real Orders, executed with your linked broker accounts and one for Paper Trades.

Please note that the broker account number has been masked for viewing purposed only.

To view the orders within a position, you can simply click a position

Optionlogy Order Book

On this page, you can view the following information about your strategy

Optionlogy Order Book

  1. Strategy wise Tracking
  2. Current Strategy Status
  3. Your Execution – it’s name(editable) & the symbol the trades belong to
  4. Notepad – for noting down things/thoughts during strategy creation, modification, exit, etc to refer back later
  5. View Stats – shows you your strategy in a nutshell as it was at the time of creation with important information such as max profit, max loss, etc
  6. Live execution data – you unrealised and realised PnLs for the entire execution along with the current status of the execution
  7. Analyse/Repair & Square off all – using these you can alter your strategy (add/remove/modify leg(s)) as well as exit it seamlessly from a single screen
  8. Your Positions – This section contains all positions within your strategy execution
  9. Position Data – Live data and information about your position such as current prices (LTP), symbol, buy/sell/open quantities.
  10. Live PnLs – Your positions' live profits and losses
  11. Position actions – These help you exit/modify/mark an open position inside the execution
  12. Orders Section – This section shows you any and all orders that are either in PENDING/REJECTED/CANCELED state as well as all the dummy orders (more of this below)
  13. Order wise actions – These include cancel/modify options for an active order

Optionlogy Order Book

  1. Dummy Orders – When you mark a position as exited, a dummy (fake) order is created and added that you can see in the order book as such.
  2. Rejected/Cancelled Orders – This shows you all your rejected and canceled orders
  3. Order deletion – You can delete rejected and canceled orders using the buttons here.

Here we have seen the Orders and Positions for Real Orders. Strategy tracking happens the same way for Paper trades as well, with 2 key differences -

  1. In Paper Trading, as there is no broker account or money involved, there is not notation of the linked broker against each strategy
  2. In Paper Trading, instead of Analyse/Repair, you can only analyse the strategy. If you add any positions and trade, it will get added as a new strategy. In Real Orders, your repairs (any addition/modification etc) will not be added as a new strategy but the changes will be made to exisiting strategy and the PnL will be tracked right from the starting.

With this advanced strategy-wise tracking, we can track our live PnL on the go, so that you don’t need to sit at your computer all the time. Most of all, the time you spend in manually tracking each strategy is saved and you are able to focus on repairing trades, and squaring off your trades at the right time.

In the next chapter, we’ll see how we can repair our traded strategy in the market does not move in our favour.