Trading Your Strategy
(Optional) Sharing Your Strategy

Sharing your strategy with other people

Once you are satisfied with your strategy, you can share it with others, and you can trade it directly with your linked broker (how do I link my broker?) or make a paper trade.

You can also also share your strategy with other by generating a link that will allow anyone, even those who have not signed up on Optionlogy to view your final strategy and its trades. You might be wondering -why not just take a screenshot? We’ve written about that in detail in our FAQs here, but let me summarise it again -

  1. Whoever you share the strategy can interact with the payoff graph
  2. They can copy the strategy and trade for themselves, without having to manually enter each position that you selected

In the last section we created a Jade Lizard strategy. Below a side by side comparison of its screenshot and how it looks in the Share feature.

In the order book -

Strategy Builder

In the shared link -

Share your Strategy

Evidently you get a more compact, digest-able view of the strategy that is easy for a viewer to understand. Most importantly, they are able to use this strategy for themselves, without manually replicating your trades.

How to Share your Strategy

Step 1

Once you are satisfied with your strategy, click on the Share button below the payoff graph.

Share your Strategy

Step 2

You can share directly on WhatsApp, Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram and Facebook from the icons below. To share on any other platform, you can select Generate Link.

Share your Strategy

Step 3

Finally Copy the link as shown below, and paste it wherever you are trying to share your strategy.

Share your Strategy

In the next chapter, we’ll look at how to make trades directly to your broker accounts, and how to make paper trades.